A notebook series that you can easily start using whenever you want to suit your diversifying lifestyle. The different formats can be used in a variety of situations, whether work or private, including short-term schedule management by purpose.
You can change the amount and timing of writing depending on how you spend your day and your mood, so you can write in a style that suits you.
A freestyle weekly diary - where you can write your schedule for 27 weeks (approximately 6 months).
The advantage of free writing is that you can start writing whenever you want.
Since it is a 24-hour clock from 6 a.m. to 6 a.m. the next morning,
it is convenient for making morning activities, plans that span multiple dates, and schedules that focus on a certain period of time.
Page Composition:
Weekly schedule P4-57
Grid notebook P58-63
Monday Start
Size: W148 x H210 mm (A5)
Weight: 88g
Material: Paper
Country: Japan
Paper: Book paper (forest certified paper)